An Inconvenient Timing

One thing that seems to drive the anti-Kavanaugh types into utter hysterics, especially women, is the issue of why we don't just believe CB Ford. After all they (or someone they knew) was raped - or "raped" - and believe all women!

You can point out all the crime statistics you want, including how many cases even "hard-ass" female DA's have to dismiss for lack of any evidence or even facts making the alleged crime impossible. He was in prison at the time impossible. Or provably in a different state/town/location. Even famous cases that have fallen apart like the Duke team or mattress girl have these or other issues - the latter inspiring an SVU episode where they bemoaned the lying twit making it worse for actual victims.

I think it's the only time I have ever agreed with the closing bit of an SVU episode.

When it comes to miscarriages of justice though, those cases still have their "support the victim" crowd.

So why don't I just automatically believe all women?

Well, all of the above.

Plus the Salem witch trials. Sure, superstition/etc. made the accusations of witchcraft appear credible, but what's notable is that people were imprisoned on nothing more than the say-so and histrionics of a couple girls.

Who lied.

Through their teeth.

And destroyed lives.

More recently though, we've got a case of "oops" that due to piss poor timing - seriously, this guy can't catch a break - could have been a major story except, well...

Look up Brian Banks.

A high school girl lied about raping him. Under his lawyers advice he pleaded no contest. A few years later he gets out, and the stupid lady tries to "friend" him, let bygones be bygones. He ends up meeting with her, wearing a wire in cooperation with lawyers/investigators, and she admits on tape that it was a lie.

A man spent three years in prison for a lie because, with no witnesses or evidence other than the say so of the (believe all) "victim"(s), he was found guilty of rape. No sperm, no anything.

So he finally gets out - there is a 60 minutes piece on it that looks awful but is also informative - and eventually someone in Hollywood thinks it's worth making a movie about. They even make him the producer. It was finished and released this year

In case you're wondering why you haven't heard of it, well, it would be awfully inconvenient to have this drop into the public awareness when we're supposed to believe all women, especially those who accuse old white men, no?

He's not the only one. Less egregious in terms of consequences but perhaps more damning of the witch hunt mentality, is this story. It doesn't go to show how women can lie about rape, but just the insanity of "consent" laws as they stand.

But the email was short on details of the alleged misconduct. According to the Title IX office, a female student, Becky, had complained that James touched her "on her breasts and buttocks over and under her clothing without her consent." (I am using pseudonyms for both James and Becky.)

James knew Becky. They had been classmates in a drama class, and, very briefly, friends. On the evening of October 20, 2017, they had met up with some other friends to play music. Eventually finding themselves alone in Becky's dorm room, they kissed for a few minutes—and engaged in some light sexual touching—before other students interrupted them.

In James's view, the encounter had not only been fully consensual, it was also mutual: Becky bore just as much responsibility for initiating it as James. And, as Becky would later make clear to the investigator, she had also touched him sexually—she explicitly described her own actions in her official statement.

"[Becky's] account of the incident as set forth in the summary of her investigative interviews does not, on its face, allege any 'act of Prohibited Conduct,'" James's attorney wrote in an April 11 letter to Wendi Delmendo, UC-Davis's Title IX coordinator. "Even if everything [Becky] alleges is true, my client clearly did nothing wrong and did not engage in Prohibited Conduct."

From the overview of the reports to the university:

Becky admitted she kissed James's neck but didn't think she gave him a hickey. She did, however, ask him whether he was into "nipple stuff," and touch his nipples intimately when he responded affirmatively. According to Becky, James gave her several hickeys. She was initially "aroused" by this.

The encounter ended when they heard Becky's roommate coming down the hall. James quickly put his shirt back on, and left the dorm.

Becky started to feel self-conscious about the hickeys after her roommate pointed them out. According to the report, she said, "I thought I enjoyed it, but I don't think I really did."


But one thing caught James off guard: Becky told him that he should have asked, explicitly and verbally, before touching her breasts or butt. James apologized, and promised to do so next time. They parted ways on what James thought were good terms—he asked if he could give her a small kiss goodbye, she said yes, and he did so.

It's pretty clear from the transcript that she was an active and willing participant, and didn't have doubts about it until she was embarrassed to be caught at it by her friend. She filed the complaint despite the fact that she admitted to being a willing participant and engaging in sexual touching to escalate the encounter. And it cost the man $12k to clear his name.

Keep this in mind. Sure, guys will still get mocked by women who think regret-based rape accusations don't exist, but then that's hardly the least of the false things feminists and their brainwashed hordes believe.

As for those who thought Matthew Ward's "The Code" from the Forbidden Thoughts anthology was an utterly unbelievable extrapolation of the current day, the last story is a sobering precedent.